This color selector shows an approximate representation of the colors, monitors vary, and actual color samples should be requested for absolute color fidelity. Images are meant for design purposes only and do not necessarily represent the hardware supplied for each particular material. View standard hardware for your material. Please contact us to request an actual color swatch for absolute color fidelity.
Product Information
- Water Resistant
- Steam Resistant
- Color Consistent Throughout
Color-Thru Solid Phenolic Core Partitions
Color-Thru Solid Phenolic Core Panels offer all the strength and durability of our black core phenolic, with the added advantage of consistent matching color throughout the core, forming a one piece panel which will not delaminate. Excellent choice for high traffic areas.
The Color-Thru Phenolic carries all the same specs, hardware, and warranties as our standard black core SPC
Toilet Partitions offering all of the dependability of Phenolic, but adds the advantage of being color consistent throughout the thickness of the partition. It continues to be completely water resistant, impervious to steam, soaps, and detergents.