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Product Information


  • Solidly Constructed High Density Polymer
  • Perfect for High Moisture Areas
  • Will not Rust, Rot, Dent or Corrode
  • 20 Year Warranty

solid plastic HDPE Vanities

General Partitions offers solid plastic HDPE vanity tops in many colors, thus providing a perfect opportunity to match the toilet partitions. Not only does this create an aesthetically pleasing environment, but plastic vanities will never delaminate or rust. Our vanities also offer a highly durable solution by resisting common problems such as dents, corrosion, mildew, and graffiti. Our vanities come in various sizes and configurations providing options to fit any situation including provisions to meet ADA regulations. Each vanity consists of matching top, front, and side skirts as well as backsplash and side-splash. Continuous brackets make for a sturdy installation that we guarantee for 15 years against breakage, corrosion, or delamination.